4 December '23

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B Corp company

Nicoleta Ciobanu, our Head of Sustainability, was recently invited to London by B Corp for one of their campaigns.

The B Corp community is made up of businesses putting people, planet and profit on the same plane. They’re redefining success and using growth as an opportunity to make a wide-reaching, long-lasting, positive impact on their employees, communities, and the environment.

We became the UK’s largest accountancy B Corp in March 2023, and the whole process gave us a newfound purpose and clarity around what it took to become the well-rounded force for good we’d always strived to be.

In many ways, working towards becoming a B Corp company brought us closer together, and it’s paved the way for so many of our impact-related activities since.

That’s why it was an honour to be asked to be a part of this B Corp campaign.

Check out Nico’s interview and find out more about the challenges we faced, how the B Corp process helped, and the impact becoming a B Corp company had on CP here.