Head-turning. Award-winning. People-powered. We look, sound and act like no other advisers. And deliberately so.
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We are Cooper Parry
We’re all about superfast, sustainable, entrepreneurial growth. And we’ve got all the specialisms to help you make it happen.
Anyone can say they’re awesome at a bunch of stuff. We’d rather leave that to others. Here’s the proof.
Head-turning. Award-winning. People-powered. We look, sound and act like no other advisers. And deliberately so.
As the UK’s largest accountancy B Corp, this is our chance to use what we do as a force for wide-reaching, long-lasting, positive change. Feels good too.
Our culture is our beating drum. Everything we do riffs off it. From award-winning cool workspaces to the wonders of wellbeing. From Diversity & Inclusivity to Sustainability. And everything in between.
All approached with common sense, integrity and curiosity. Be sure of one thing. We don’t stand still. Ever. Like never ever.
It’s what we’re all about.
With our 3 Year Vision as a North Star, and a partnership with Lee Equity Partners, we’re on a lightning-fast trajectory.
Consistently rebellious, we’re disrupting the mid-market like no other. From culture and tech to ways of working, business structures and industry specialisms. Towards every point of the UK compass.
Right now, our 1450+ strong team propels businesses from 5 stunning work space Superhubs.
Effectively we’re creating the UK’s next gen professional services group. And we’re looking for likeminded firms to join us on this adventure.
Scaling with right-fit businesses, we’ve completed a dozen deals within the last 22 months.
Working in synergy to unlock value, open new markets and deliver credible answers to clients’ very real questions. It’s exhilarating. It’s never dull. And it’s happening right now.
Think your firm can be part of our growth journey? If so, reach out to our CEO here.
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