Our People
Steve Noss
- Head of Creative

Let’s talk today
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What do you do?
Head of Creative at a firm of accountants? You’re having a laugh surely? That’s the most common response I get when people ask me what I do. And it’s true. How many firms (let alone those in financial services) put creativity at the heart of what they do? How many appreciate the real value of their brand as a powerful way to communicate everything from culture to client experience? Day-to-day, I get to mix strategic thinking with fast turnaround design communications. Somedays we spin more plates than we should. Occasionally one teeters and drops. But it’s rare. And we go again and don’t look back. The creative crackle lives on. The CP brand drives on.
Why do you do it?
Frankly, it’s all I know. I love it (just as well, as I’ve been doing it for long enough). I l also love the fact that no two days are ever the same. I say no two days, I really mean no two hours are alike. The fast pace and energy are infectious. The ability to make things happen and get them straight into the business is powerful stuff. There’s no death by committee or analysis paralysis here. Here, the team’s skills embrace everything from social media, CRM and design to content, CX and events. Ultimately, though, it’s the marketing team that delivers the results. And boy are they a talented bunch.
What kind of projects have you been involved in?
There are so many brand touch points. Big stuff and tiny bits. From creating new brand masterpieces to the new logo and from pitch docs to the website. The key is delivering what the CP brand is all about – ‘How we look’, ‘How we sound’ and ‘How we roll’ – in a consistent, creative and challengingly disruptive way.
What’s on top of your bucket list?
I’d love to revisit Nocedal Street in Santiago, Chile. Last time I was there I was seven, but I retain fond memories. Our garden backed onto the Prince of Wales Golf Club and the snow-capped Andes acted as a permanent backdrop. The weather always appeared wonderfully sunny and the banana tree at the front never did more than gently sway in the light breeze (and act as a backstop for wayward football shots). My view of those happy times is almost certainly rose tinted – but I’d like to find out anyway.