26 September '24

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Digital is an unstoppable force in today’s professional and financial services landscape. We’ve all heard the buzzwords when it comes to digital transformation. Cutting-edge, tech-led, Big Data, AI-enabled, Omnichannel and many more. But at Cooper Parry, we’re not just talking the talk — we’re walking the walk.

Our award-winning audit and assurance team are leveraging technology to deliver a more bespoke, tailored experience to our clients. And when it comes to our Deals team they’re at the forefront of working with digital transformation and its impact on the M&A market as you can read in this recent article.


Digitalisation isn’t just about AI or new technological developments. It’s a collective effort that spans everything from CRM systems to operations. It’s an investment, yes, but one that professional and financial service firms should take seriously to avoid getting left behind in a fast-paced, competitive market.

We understand why many firms are hesitant to adopt these changes. Whether it’s the potential risks or the costs involved. Many mid-sized firms also lack the expertise to manage digital transformation. But the benefits, from boosting efficiency to improving client service, are simply too significant to ignore.

Digital transformation within the sector can be a game changer. Afterall you wouldn’t want your business to fall behind competitively. Lawyers for example won’t be replaced by AI but will be replaced by other lawyers effectively using AI.


What’s not to love about freeing your teams from labour-intensive, routine tasks?

Automating processes isn’t just about saving time, it’s about making professional careers more dynamic and fulfilling. Picture a world where AI drafts documents, summarises complex information or even conducts basic research.

That’s not science fiction; it’s happening now, and it’s giving teams the space to focus on more impactful, meaningful work. Saving time when it comes to drudge tasks (e.g. reading leases) is a major benefit. Meaning more time can be spent speaking to clients. Building human relationships.

The biggest perk? Time.

Think about this: if you save just four hours a week through automation, that adds up to 200 hours a year. What could you do with 200 extra hours? You could reinvest it in strategic projects, innovation, or even professional development. It’s not just about doing the same work faster; it’s about doing better work.

For many, this could also mean turning those extra hours into additional billable time. What would that look like on your bottom line?

But it’s not just economic benefits. This timesaving, trickle-down effect can also lead to a healthier work-life balance. With more time for professional development and a focus on well-being, you’re not just creating more efficient people you’re creating more rounded, happier, and healthier professionals.


It’d be great if adopting digital tools were as simple as flipping a switch, but we know that’s not the case. Especially if you’re dealing with legacy systems. Particularly if those systems have arrived through M&A activity.

Here at Cooper Parry, we’ve experienced this challenge first hand. Modernising infrastructure, especially when working with outdated systems, can be a slog. Sometimes, gathering data is a Herculean effort, and let’s not even start on how hard it can be to track down data that isn’t digitised in the first place.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can help bridge this gap, but firms are at different stages in implementing them. Getting everything integrated and running smoothly is a process, not an event.

We understand that reluctance to dive into AI and digital transformation headfirst. After all, while automation can handle a lot, there are some decisions, like representing clients in court or making high-stakes financial decisions that should still be made by humans. Technology and AI are there to assist, not replace human judgment.

And then there’s the issue of accuracy and data security. These concerns are real, but they’re manageable. Digital transformation needs to be done responsibly, with careful attention to the accuracy of AI outputs and the security of sensitive data.


Speaking of security, one of the biggest worries professional and financial service firms face during digital transformation is data security and compliance. Protecting sensitive financial information and client data isn’t just a good business practice, it’s essential. Failing to do so can lead to costly data breaches, regulatory headaches, and worst of all, a loss of client trust.

At Cooper Parry, we’ve built robust measures into every step of our audit process. Our security protocols, combined with automated compliance checks, ensure that client data is always protected, and regulatory standards are met. It’s a vital part of building trust and reducing the risk of legal or financial repercussions.


Firms today are collecting more data than ever, and they’re investing heavily in ways to make that data work for them. Systems like ERP streamline financial processes, making them faster, more transparent, and more harmonised. But clients expect more than just efficiency, they want auditors and tax advisors who can use this technology to derive real value.

They want us to ask insightful questions that only deep data analysis can uncover.

Clients also expect quicker, more integrated communication from their advisors. Technology can help bridge the gap, enabling faster and more transparent interactions throughout the audit and accounting process. It’s no longer about waiting for feedback or updates; with digital tools, information is at your fingertips, allowing for more timely decisions.

Digital transformation also enables centralisation, standardisation, and automation, which improve the overall quality of the audit. With consistent, up-to-date information, audit partners like me are empowered to deliver the best possible service.

And, when it comes to reporting, we’re able to tailor the experience to meet the needs of key stakeholders, whether that’s the C-suite or other members of the management team.

Ultimately, this leads to a more effective and streamlined audit process, giving your management and finance teams the freedom to focus on what matters most in the day-to-day running of their business.

It reduces the risk of last-minute surprises, improves collaboration, and lets us deliver the high-quality, bespoke service you deserve.


Whether you’re deep into your digital transformation journey or just dipping your toes in the water, the key to success lies in choosing a partner who understands both the tech and the unique needs of your industry.

At Cooper Parry, we’ve walked this path ourselves and continue to evolve as we scale, tackling the very same challenges you’re up against. We know that timesaving isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about allowing us to better understand your business, integrate more smoothly, and make the audit process far less invasive. By freeing up time, we can focus on offering solutions tailored specifically to you, whether that means a blend of in-person and remote audit work or a fully flexible approach to suit your finance team’s needs.

We’ve modernised our firm and helped countless others do the same. So, if you feel your current audit services aren’t delivering the innovation or service you deserve, let’s talk. We’re here to help you transform, not just adapt.