3 March '23

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‘The rebels of accountancy’ have reinforced their commitment to using business as a force for good by meeting B Corp’s rigorous standards of social and environmental impact and accountability.

Cooper Parry, the #1 Accountancy Firm to Work For in the UK according to Best Companies, has announced it is now a Certified B Corporation.

B Corps are businesses using their influence to address society’s greatest challenges and having a positive impact on their employees, customers, communities and the environment.

To become B Corp Certified, a business has to score 80 or more in the ‘B Impact Assessment’, graded by not-for-profit, B Lab. The assessment helps businesses measure and manage the social and environmental impact of their operations and business model at every level and across all stakeholders.

After scoring 84.3, Cooper Parry has joined a community of over 6,400 B Corps in 89 countries.

Ade Cheatham, Cooper Parry CEO, said:

“We started our B Corp journey back in 2020. We knew it had no finish line, and certification is only the start, but the process has taught us a lot about our business – and ourselves – so we can maintain the commitment in our 3 Year Vision to using Cooper Parry as a force for long-lasting, wide-reaching positive change.

“Joining this movement of like-minded businesses is hugely exciting. We’ve been inspired by a number of our B Corp clients throughout this journey, so I know we’re in great company, and if we can inspire even one business to keep pushing to do more for society and our planet, the impact grows.”

Cooper Parry has set a goal of reaching net zero by 2030 and achieving a 50% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2026. Between FY20 and FY22, the company’s electricity consumption fell by 39%, business travel decreased by 63%, accelerated by the pandemic, and 90% of the electricity Cooper Parry now consumes comes from REGOs-backed renewable sources. It has also revamped its purchasing policy to focus on locally sourced, environmentally friendly products.

Nicoleta Ciobanu, Head of Sustainability at Cooper Parry, added:

“We’re thrilled that Cooper Parry’s commitment to our people, community and planet has been recognised by B Corp. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and now we have the certification to prove it. I’m really proud of all the hard work everyone has put in to get to this point, and I’m so excited about joining the B Corp community, continually learning and improving our impact in every possible way.

“Transparency and accountability are so important to us. Now, our clients can understand exactly the type of adviser they’re working with. They have the clarity and peace of mind that our work is ethical, adds value for all stakeholders and makes an impact that goes beyond profit.”