21 October '24

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Patrick Crookes, an expert in Employment Taxes has recently joined CP.

Based out of our Manchester office he’ll be providing invaluable assistance to employers across various sectors. Helping them manage PAYE and NIC compliance whilst reducing their costs for both employers and employees.

With over 17 years of experience, Patrick is a highly respected fellow of the Association of Taxation Technicians. He’s also a member of the Chartered Institute of Tax’s Employment Tax Technical Committee. He also contributes to the Institute’s Qualification team.

Before joining Cooper Parry, Patrick spent over a decade at a Big Four firm, where he successfully implemented cost-saving measures for clients. His extensive expertise spans multiple sectors, with a particular focus on the Real Estate and Construction industries, where he has provided significant support concerning the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).

Commenting on his new role, Patrick said,

“The opportunity to join an ambitious and reputable firm with an office in Manchester is really exciting to me. The tax landscape is constantly evolving, especially at the current moment with a new Government in office and a budget on the horizon. There is a real demand for Employment Tax advice, and I look forward to helping Employers navigate through the complexity and utilising all available tax-efficient structures.”

DAVID KENDRICK, CP’s Head of North, said,

“The addition of Patrick to our Partner team is a huge move for the firm. Employment Taxes are one of the biggest areas of cost a business has, so to now have an experienced specialist within the team will make a significant difference. Excited to see the impact Patrick can have.”