New CFO Forum launches to convene Chief Financial Officers from rapidly-scaling companies

11 July '24

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CFO Forum, a new strategic finance community, has launched to advise and support CFOs through connecting them via a like-minded network, with access to highly-curated events and insights. The new community is a joint partnership between the specialist High Growth team at Cooper Parry and Founders Forum Group, the global community which supports entrepreneurs at every stage of their journeys. 

Both teams behind Cooper Parry and Founders Forum Group understand the importance of a highly qualified and experienced Chief Financial Officer to help fast-growing scaleups drive sustainable growth whilst managing all aspects of the company’s finances and fundraising journey. However, there is a clear gap to help senior finance leaders better explore where the role of the CFO is headed, how the most successful scaleups are navigating the current economic climate, and how developments in the global venture capital, private equity and public markets are presenting opportunities and risks to their growth ambitions. The partnership will provide access to world class business leaders and CFOs who have been successful in scaling high growth companies and will help share their insight with some of the UK’s best CFO talent. 

The invite-only CFO Forum will offer a suite of high-currency community events to encourage participants and contributors to share their expertise, as well as a series of specialised development opportunities aimed at providing unparalleled connections and support. The forum will invite the CFOs of the same founder-led companies that already attend Founders Forum’s existing global events schedule, which includes flagship events Founders Forum Global, FF North America, FF Europe, and FF Asia, as well as CFO’s of  some of the fastest growing companies in the UK.

The community and annual programme of events will launch in September with a cohort of over 100 attending an exclusive event featuring fireside chats, as well as access to intimate roundtable discussions designed to respond in real time to gaps, issues or opportunities CFOs are seeing around them. 

The strategic partnership is the first step of a broader financial services offering that Founders Forum Group and Cooper Parry are developing, rounding out Founders Forum’s suite of professional services – which already includes Founders Keepers, Founders Law, Founders Makers, Miroma Founders Network, Founders HR, and Founders Comms – by expanding its high-calibre community to include CFOs.

Carolyn Dawson OBE, CEO of Founders Forum Group said: “The CFO Forum will offer curated, tailored events and support to some of our very best financial leaders, connecting them to like-minded individuals and helping to unlock the future economic potential of our most exciting and innovative fast growing companies in the UK today. At Founders Forum, we understand the power in bringing people together to collaborate and learn from one another. We’re delighted to partner with Cooper Parry to bring the convening power of Founders Forum events and our global FF Group community to the vital CFO community powering ambitious scaleups.” 

Steve Leith, Partner and Head of Tech & High Growth at Cooper Parry continued: “Our specialist high growth team are a trusted partner to many of the fastest growing venture-backed startups and scaleups in the UK. This leads us to work closely with the incredible CFO community that supports these businesses and the founders driving growth and innovation across the country. Creating the CFO Forum, together with Founders Forum Group, was a natural next step in our work together. We look forward to combining our significant community activity and building this new platform to inspire and support the UK’s best high growth CFOs.”

You can register your interest in attending the September launch event, HERE.