
23 February '20

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How it all started

“We first came across Cooper Parry at one of their events. Their retail specialist, Cat Kelly, followed up afterwards with an email or two. And this came at a time when we needed an expert opinion on IFRS 16. Cat demonstrated that she was a real expert on the subject, so was the obvious first choice when choosing an adviser to help us on our impact assessment.”

Clear communication

“The thing we like most about working with Cooper Parry is the clarity and openness, as well as their technical expertise. We often hear everything in technical language, which we then have to decipher. But with Cooper Parry, Cat interprets the standards we need to follow and talks to us in a straight-forward way. Cooper Parry offer practical solutions and don’t just quote the rulebook.

“The report from the impact assessment was accessible and clear too. I currently have a pile of reports sat on my desk that are black and white and full of jargon. Cooper Parry’s work is easy to pick up and find what I need to. I’ve even used it to write reports for our audit committee. I like how it’s fun and quirky in places.”

The project

“Cat, Holly and Vishali have been helping us with our IFRS 16 project. They give us the expertise we need and are helping bridge our resource gap until we recruit someone in a permanent role. We’re so impressed, we’ve just signed up to retain them as our advisors on the remainder of the project.

“Cat is brilliant. She’s very approachable and quickly replies to any queries. I can pick up the phone when I need to. She’s honest and open. Sometimes on a complicated query, she says, “I need to come back to you”. And she actually does! Holly and Vishali have been impressive too. Working with Cooper Parry, I get an update every day on the progress on the work being completed.”

Would you recommend Cooper Parry?

“We’d absolutely recommend Cooper Parry. And in fact, we’ve recently recommended Cooper Parry to another large retailer. We can really see the benefit they bring to retailers.”

Katie Gregory – Head Of Financial Reporting